What Causes Clogged Drains?

Clogged drains can be a common source of frustration and inconvenience for homeowners. There are several factors that contribute to clogs, including accumulation of grease, fat, and oil that can solidify over time and constrict the flow of water. In addition, the formation of soap scum can create a thick, sticky film that accumulates in showers, sinks, and laundry fixtures.

Mineral buildup caused by hard water can also contribute to clogs by depositing minerals along the walls of pipes and restricting water flow. Food waste, including scraps of food and cooking oils, can also create blockages. These materials can mix with fats and grease to create a sticky layer that traps other waste and exacerbates the problem.

Household items such as coffee grounds, paper and cotton products, flushable wipes, cotton swabs, sanitary pads, and feminine products can also contribute to clogs. Other factors that can lead to clogs include hair, tree roots, broken pipes, dental floss, and cosmetic materials.

Let our expert plumbers at Curry and Son’s help with your drain cleaning needs. Call us today for an estimate.

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